


Get to Know Us

Bläckfisk is a private investment fund in which we work to promote companies that improve environmental sustainability.

Our commitment to sustainability is grounded in our belief that society deserves a healthy, peaceful and sustainable planet. We believe that social progress, environmental balance and economic growth go hand in hand.

Let’s build a better planet

Target Industries


The future of humanity and the planet depends on the way we produce and consume energy. An affordable, reliable and decarbonised energy system is essential.

Bringing clean energy in all its forms is possible.



Available, sustainable water management.
Protection of water implies its revaluation, access to information and education. In addition, the protection of water at every stage of its life cycle ensures its quality and sustainable use. We are interested in everything related to the care and access to this vital element.



Guarantee a healthy life.

We aim to work with companies and projects that improve the quality of life, promote good habits of health and prevention and provide treatments to diseases through technology for health and other approaches that are oriented to wellbeing.


Productive, profitable and sustainable fields. Sustainable agriculture is efficient, safe and clean while meeting quality standards, respecting the environment and considering the needs of all stakeholders. The best agrotechnology should be highly efficient with the proper technological implementations and efficient use of resources.



Quality education for all.
Education, diffusion of and access to a diversity of sources of knowledge lead to life-long growth. To educate oneself is to educate society. Let's invest in options of permanent, quality learning.



Food security occurs when all people have permanent physical, social and economic access to safe, nutritious, and abundant food, and thus are able to lead an active and healthy life. We invest in companies and projects that achieve this important objective included in the UN 2030 agenda.



Private financial institutions are key to the business sector as larger projects can be promoted by choosing a financing scheme and/or institutional funding according to the characteristics unique to the sector(s) in which it is defined.



We thank our allies, companies and independent directors who are experts in their area, for sharing our vision and honoring us with your advice, counsel, participation and support for the benefit of the companies we support. This union of talents allows us to employ precise and functional strategies oriented to successfully face the challenges that may arise along the way.


Contact us

Our main interest is to add value to the companies and people of our country and the world. Whether you want to invest or you are a company that requires our services, write to us to start the conversation and together create strategies supportive of our values.